Mike's Notes: Remember the Wilderness

Sep 16, 2016 8:11:02 AM

The mountains already seem distant. The bottomless swimming hole on the Cold River, the wind and view on the ridge leading up to Sandwich Dome, the rolling thunder on Sunday morning near Pond Brook – it all fades after the first few days of the campus schedule. Classes, assemblies, sports, the new Dining Commons, the spectacular weather, dorm meetings, advisory meetings – this is the new rhythm.

Wilderness Orientation 2016: They're Off!

Sep 7, 2016 9:36:08 AM

New Proctor families gathered on campus Tuesday before Wilderness Orientation groups departed for five days of hiking and camping in the White Mountains. Proctor’s deep commitment to beginning the year in this fashion may make some families uncomfortable as they watch their teenagers step into the unknown carrying a 30+ pound pack, a sleeping bag, and tarp to sleep under, but we know Wilderness Orientation is the best possible way to start at a new school.

Finding Yourself: Proctor's Gift to Each Student

Aug 24, 2016 2:46:46 PM

In a recent note to teachers, Dean of Faculty Karl Methven referenced Douglas Heath’s 1994 book Schools of Hope, in which Proctor’s approach to education is heralded as a model for others to follow. Each year, Proctor’s faculty recommits to our philosophical roots, with a renewed understanding of Proctor’s approach to education, and a deeper appreciation of why the Proctor Experience has been, and continues to be, the most effective way to educate teenagers.

Academic Lens: Nudging Toward Mindfulness

Jun 30, 2016 9:29:36 AM

Last week’s Ted Radio Hour discussed the concept of ‘nudge’, or how a small tweak in human behavior can shift outcomes drastically. References to Richard Thaler, Judson Brewer, Carol Dweck, Reshma Saujani, and Sendhil Mullainathan’s Ted Talks wove a fascinating narrative centered on the question: How can we encourage people to do what we want them to do? In this two-part blog, we will look at how the concept of nudge relates to our work at Proctor. 

Proctor Off-Campus Programs & The Power of a Global Classroom

Jun 21, 2016 7:00:00 AM

We each live in a bubble. Some of our bubbles are bigger than others as the experiences we live expand world views. Our goal as educators at Proctor is to afford each of our students the opportunity to make sure they graduate having a vastly larger bubble than when they first arrived on campus.

Proctor Summer Service: Update from Guatemala

Jun 10, 2016 7:30:00 AM

Proctor's summer service trip to Guatemala is nearing its midway point. Through every interaction between Proctor's students and the children of La Limonade, lives are being changed. Enjoy these student writings from Guatemala, and be sure to follow their blog for daily reflections

Proctor en Segovia: Farewell Dear Old Spain, Until We Meet Again!

May 27, 2016 8:00:00 AM

The end is here
The time I've feared
Where I must return home
Where I've always roamed
Goodbye to this country of beauty
I have done my duty
I have learned your ways
Here I have spent the best of days
Sadly I must say goodbye
For the end is nigh
So farewell dear old Spain
Until we meet again!

Mountain Classroom: Final Thoughts

May 24, 2016 7:00:00 AM

Mountain Classroom has been enjoying Vermont for their culminating academic and backcountry adventures. The students chose to backpack into Stratton Pond in the Lye Brook Wilderness for their final expedition. The blogs tell the story beautifully, so read on.



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